8840 rank

5,232,056 points

22,676 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
lordacebuzfoe    District X
Jaims 394 lordacebuzfoe District X 800,144,499 125,965
lordacebuzfoe    Paradox
Greifental 6330 lordacebuzfoe Paradox 10,407,871 12,598
lordacebuzfoe    The Relinquished
Korch 7009 lordacebuzfoe The Relinquished 6,461,573 9,569
lordacebuzfoe    Thee Knights Kingdom
Brisgard 8840 lordacebuzfoe Thee Knights Kingdom 5,232,056 22,676
lordacebuzfoe    Helping Hands
Xyr 8683 lordacebuzfoe Helping Hands 2,955,513 11,570
lordacebuzfoe    Roman Empire IV
Dunarsund 9733 lordacebuzfoe Roman Empire IV 2,446,219 9,048
lordacebuzfoe    The Blues Brothers
Arvahall 12124 lordacebuzfoe The Blues Brothers 1,868,980 5,068