14025 rank

572,985 points

925 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ickythunder252    House of Lords
Noarsil 5259 Ickythunder252 House of Lords 14,174,427 3,458
Ickythunder252    The inquisition
Parkog 5361 Ickythunder252 The inquisition 12,159,537 2,857
Ickythunder252    Drunken Celts
Uceria 7107 Ickythunder252 Drunken Celts 5,359,937 3,683
Ickythunder252    Emanon
Vingrid 8944 Ickythunder252 Emanon 1,796,605 2,301
Ickythunder252    Gods of Odin
Korch 11076 Ickythunder252 Gods of Odin 752,629 1,179
Ickythunder252    The 4 Horsemen
Brisgard 14025 Ickythunder252 The 4 Horsemen 572,985 925