16232 rank

260,129 points

489 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
libiami    The deutch union
Brisgard 16232 libiami The deutch union 260,129 489
libiami    Malice of War
East-Nagach 14545 libiami Malice of War 245,697 288
libiami    Queensland
Jaims 13918 libiami Queensland 213,455 331
Cirgard 15480 libiami ELITE RENEGADES 202,620 404
libiami    polivators
Korch 14149 libiami polivators 195,997 276
libiami    killermushroom77
Zorskog 13163 libiami killermushroom77 187,863 323
libiami    Sunset
Langendorn 13638 libiami Sunset 183,326 235
Parkog 15088 libiami 81,491 162
libiami    We Are One
Xyr 20289 libiami We Are One 27,490 49