8336 rank

5,450,454 points

5,729 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BigCee58    Very Happy People
Brisgard 8336 BigCee58 Very Happy People 5,450,454 5,729
BigCee58    Juggernaut
Arvahall 10289 BigCee58 Juggernaut 3,433,306 4,141
BigCee58    Lost Dogs
East-Nagach 10150 BigCee58 Lost Dogs 1,633,197 2,950
BigCee58    American Right
Cirgard 10219 BigCee58 American Right 1,624,551 3,344
BigCee58    Reunited
Birka 5981 BigCee58 Reunited 1,562,291 2,566
BigCee58    New Revolution
Vingrid 9432 BigCee58 New Revolution 1,366,769 1,928
BigCee58    The Norse Clan
Greifental 10137 BigCee58 The Norse Clan 1,298,422 2,496
BigCee58    devastators
Rugnir 9664 BigCee58 devastators 1,192,808 2,369
BigCee58    The Apocalypse
Uceria 10070 BigCee58 The Apocalypse 1,065,912 2,232
BigCee58    The Wanderers
Carthage 6443 BigCee58 The Wanderers 369,814 1,235