14372 rank

505,884 points

535 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
thorsonIII    Kingdom
Birka 7053 thorsonIII Kingdom 947,518 1,038
thorsonIII    Maximum skill
Noarsil 10269 thorsonIII Maximum skill 859,151 960
thorsonIII    Alt Foo Fighters
Yorkton 10438 thorsonIII Alt Foo Fighters 793,734 887
thorsonIII    The German Empire
Korch 11417 thorsonIII The German Empire 648,375 676
thorsonIII    Dixie Normous guild
Arvahall 15780 thorsonIII Dixie Normous guild 532,687 522
thorsonIII    No Preasure-Just Fun
Brisgard 14372 thorsonIII No Preasure-Just Fun 505,884 535