9132 rank

4,717,274 points

1,195 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kalidor the mighty    KRACKRN FIGHTERS
Sinerania 5358 Kalidor the mighty KRACKRN FIGHTERS 12,782,092 5,971
Kalidor the mighty    ⚜️2nd Renaissance⚜️
Carthage 2852 Kalidor the mighty ⚜️2nd Renaissance⚜️ 8,486,657 5,348
Kalidor the mighty    Robbers and Theives
East-Nagach 7602 Kalidor the mighty Robbers and Theives 6,676,333 2,526
Kalidor the mighty    Rebellion
Arvahall 9273 Kalidor the mighty Rebellion 6,363,769 2,197
Kalidor the mighty    C’mon Man
Brisgard 9132 Kalidor the mighty C’mon Man 4,717,274 1,195