10244 rank

2,516,430 points

1,804 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BraveSparky    Playing 4 Fun
Houndsmoor 8072 BraveSparky Playing 4 Fun 5,103,312 2,399
BraveSparky    Lazytown
Tuulech 7319 BraveSparky Lazytown 3,876,026 1,679
BraveSparky    The Hangout 5
Korch 8121 BraveSparky The Hangout 5 3,404,762 1,788
BraveSparky    Forgotten Realms
Yorkton 7693 BraveSparky Forgotten Realms 3,219,026 1,679
BraveSparky    Rough Riders
Langendorn 8062 BraveSparky Rough Riders 3,161,267 1,368
BraveSparky    The FoEs
Xyr 8654 BraveSparky The FoEs 2,951,668 1,531
BraveSparky    Overkill2
Brisgard 10244 BraveSparky Overkill2 2,516,430 1,804
BraveSparky    Cumbersome
Arvahall 11530 BraveSparky Cumbersome 2,292,907 1,629
BraveSparky    Blade of Light
Uceria 8811 BraveSparky Blade of Light 1,924,679 1,530
BraveSparky    Just a Guild
Dilmun 3318 BraveSparky Just a Guild 1,440,625 1,588