16393 rank

268,556 points

269 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
danno 968    Hehe
Brisgard 16393 danno 968 Hehe 268,556 269
danno 968    Fighters of the Wolf
Mount Killmore 15812 danno 968 Fighters of the Wolf 261,362 326
danno 968    Dixie Normous guild
Arvahall 18178 danno 968 Dixie Normous guild 260,981 317
danno 968    The Morning star
East-Nagach 16477 danno 968 The Morning star 133,068 245
danno 968    Lesco Brandon
Langendorn 14994 danno 968 Lesco Brandon 124,805 251
danno 968    Gump industries
Jaims 15720 danno 968 Gump industries 124,083 239