11982 rank

1,270,098 points

419 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
harrybunz    grilled guild
Zorskog 8540 harrybunz grilled guild 1,610,606 423
harrybunz    Guilder's Emporium
Mount Killmore 10945 harrybunz Guilder's Emporium 1,437,973 545
harrybunz    ShieldsandWeapons
Brisgard 11982 harrybunz ShieldsandWeapons 1,270,098 419
harrybunz    sup
Parkog 9368 harrybunz sup 1,200,576 333
harrybunz    guilded age
Rugnir 9761 harrybunz guilded age 1,120,531 353
harrybunz    Ye Olde Guild
Korch 10229 harrybunz Ye Olde Guild 1,104,666 315
harrybunz    Don't Be So Serious
Odhrorvar 9593 harrybunz Don't Be So Serious 1,103,181 401
harrybunz    Fun times
Angkor 9259 harrybunz Fun times 1,056,495 396
harrybunz    ifyou guild it
Dunarsund 11743 harrybunz ifyou guild it 994,991 343
harrybunz    illuminaughty
Houndsmoor 15049 harrybunz illuminaughty 239,499 160