7984 rank

6,356,137 points

4,060 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Katsumisho of the Sea    The 2600
Carthage 1829 Katsumisho of the Sea The 2600 11,464,517 4,917
Katsumisho of the Sea    Sacred Friends
Brisgard 7984 Katsumisho of the Sea Sacred Friends 6,356,137 4,060
Katsumisho of the Sea    Newtown
Xyr 7149 Katsumisho of the Sea Newtown 5,596,193 4,605
Katsumisho of the Sea    Cairn Seekers
Qunrir 6951 Katsumisho of the Sea Cairn Seekers 5,347,378 3,857
Katsumisho of the Sea    Mist of Avalon
Odhrorvar 7763 Katsumisho of the Sea Mist of Avalon 3,012,408 4,070