6317 rank

15,014,254 points

2,365 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Duke of Dye    Basement Dwellers
Arvahall 6760 Duke of Dye Basement Dwellers 16,525,662 2,718
Duke of Dye    Number 3
East-Nagach 5879 Duke of Dye Number 3 15,100,999 2,250
Duke of Dye    Animals
Cirgard 5756 Duke of Dye Animals 15,034,920 2,294
Duke of Dye    No Preasure-Just Fun
Brisgard 6317 Duke of Dye No Preasure-Just Fun 15,014,254 2,365
Duke of Dye    Best in the World
Dunarsund 6074 Duke of Dye Best in the World 14,528,302 2,489
Duke of Dye    Civilization!
Fel Dranghyr 5735 Duke of Dye Civilization! 13,718,504 2,029
Duke of Dye    Gold Guild
Greifental 5751 Duke of Dye Gold Guild 13,683,185 2,343
Duke of Dye    Oregon Guild
Angkor 4625 Duke of Dye Oregon Guild 13,323,813 2,028
Duke of Dye    Smaugs Roost 🍺
Houndsmoor 6520 Duke of Dye Smaugs Roost 🍺 11,351,175 1,483
Duke of Dye    UNITED NATION
Tuulech 7091 Duke of Dye UNITED NATION 4,692,142 567