17673 rank

154,567 points

61 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
2ndchances    Wyked Dragons
Houndsmoor 6450 2ndchances Wyked Dragons 11,139,605 7,295
2ndchances    Knights of Fortune
Uceria 6394 2ndchances Knights of Fortune 7,998,589 3,594
2ndchances    Fluffy Unicorns
Greifental 7258 2ndchances Fluffy Unicorns 6,280,473 3,563
2ndchances    It's a game, RELAX
Vingrid 6804 2ndchances It's a game, RELAX 6,098,087 2,278
2ndchances    Camelot
Birka 4403 2ndchances Camelot 5,752,400 2,755
2ndchances    Equinox
Brisgard 17673 2ndchances Equinox 154,567 61