6323 rank

14,946,002 points

2,433 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ralph1911    CHAMPIONS 2
Brisgard 6323 ralph1911 CHAMPIONS 2 14,946,002 2,433
ralph1911    tuulech empire
Houndsmoor 6264 ralph1911 tuulech empire 12,617,080 2,396
ralph1911    clan macgregor
Korch 5763 ralph1911 clan macgregor 12,412,340 2,555
ralph1911    drunken huntsmen
Carthage 2536 ralph1911 drunken huntsmen 10,161,322 2,124
ralph1911    The Beavers
Walstrand 5605 ralph1911 The Beavers 9,905,646 2,087
ralph1911    Supplement
Cirgard 7973 ralph1911 Supplement 5,268,912 1,202
ralph1911    Knights of PENDRAGON
Arvahall 16119 ralph1911 Knights of PENDRAGON 473,353 325