10313 rank

2,598,371 points

331 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
johnhopwood    Kingdom of Jerusalem
Rugnir 6615 johnhopwood Kingdom of Jerusalem 6,709,143 764
johnhopwood    Zero Expectations
Birka 5079 johnhopwood Zero Expectations 3,887,116 353
johnhopwood    Defiant Rebels
East-Nagach 9115 johnhopwood Defiant Rebels 2,958,711 290
johnhopwood    Existentialist
Walstrand 7719 johnhopwood Existentialist 2,681,125 266
johnhopwood    New Greece
Brisgard 10313 johnhopwood New Greece 2,598,371 331
johnhopwood    The Roman Empire
Tuulech 8219 johnhopwood The Roman Empire 2,226,949 329