1149 rank

231,952,246 points

78,006 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Zeno of Citiumm    Wynners' Guild
Brisgard 1149 Zeno of Citiumm Wynners' Guild 231,952,246 78,006
Zeno of Citiumm    Queen Anne’s Revenge
Arvahall 1659 Zeno of Citiumm Queen Anne’s Revenge 190,286,364 82,311
Zeno of Citiumm    Swords of Light
Fel Dranghyr 2076 Zeno of Citiumm Swords of Light 106,725,906 62,626
Zeno of Citiumm    Wynners' Guild
Houndsmoor 11757 Zeno of Citiumm Wynners' Guild 897,912 113