14898 rank

421,987 points

1,236 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Soccerjammin    Eye of rea
Arvahall 14130 Soccerjammin Eye of rea 927,883 956
Dilmun 4032 Soccerjammin 835,717 2,283
Soccerjammin    Cool
Sinerania 10233 Soccerjammin Cool 799,355 825
Carthage 5816 Soccerjammin 776,881 2,305
Soccerjammin    Beyond the Wall
Qunrir 10674 Soccerjammin Beyond the Wall 673,523 985
Soccerjammin    Guardian Knights
Tuulech 10574 Soccerjammin Guardian Knights 621,020 858
Soccerjammin    Legio XIII Gemina
Langendorn 11622 Soccerjammin Legio XIII Gemina 485,097 1,286
Soccerjammin    The Fellowship
Brisgard 14898 Soccerjammin The Fellowship 421,987 1,236
Soccerjammin    Kingdom of God
Odhrorvar 11948 Soccerjammin Kingdom of God 339,518 1,108