3864 rank

26,569,426 points

24,421 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Domitia 689 the Just    Legends of the Flame
Fel Dranghyr 262 Domitia 689 the Just Legends of the Flame 848,943,720 237,142
Domitia 689 the Just    Roman Empire
Brisgard 2256 Domitia 689 the Just Roman Empire 90,076,899 41,085
Domitia 689 the Just    Hangout
Houndsmoor 2387 Domitia 689 the Just Hangout 78,192,393 37,351
Domitia 689 the Just   
Langendorn 3536 Domitia 689 the Just 33,365,780 22,356
Domitia 689 the Just   
Uceria 3864 Domitia 689 the Just 26,569,426 24,421
Domitia 689 the Just    Gates Of Dawn
Zorskog 15292 Domitia 689 the Just Gates Of Dawn 87,753 212