2835 rank

61,986,167 points

41,586 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
webstur    💯United Kinship💯
Houndsmoor 648 webstur 💯United Kinship💯 521,440,869 196,400
webstur    Amber Circle
Odhrorvar 2225 webstur Amber Circle 99,457,766 93,632
webstur    DEATHLESS
Uceria 2835 webstur DEATHLESS 61,986,167 41,586
webstur    international force
East-Nagach 5358 webstur international force 19,707,967 12,712
webstur    GE4orce Empire
Sinerania 5220 webstur GE4orce Empire 13,690,333 7,304
webstur    Kingdom of Heaven
Mount Killmore 6139 webstur Kingdom of Heaven 13,581,519 9,738
webstur    munna
Parkog 5374 webstur munna 12,799,802 8,094
webstur    Rogue Rangers
Langendorn 5815 webstur Rogue Rangers 11,302,109 8,431