2529 rank

77,095,774 points

25,213 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Golliard Assassins
Odhrorvar 976 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Golliard Assassins 309,255,389 120,907
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    5thDescott/40Thieves
Uceria 2529 Eurydice 1291 the Hard 5thDescott/40Thieves 77,095,774 25,213
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Keep It Simple
Zorskog 2166 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Keep It Simple 69,738,897 22,737
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Altruistic Warriors
Noarsil 3083 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Altruistic Warriors 55,919,200 19,323
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    DragonHaven
East-Nagach 4553 Eurydice 1291 the Hard DragonHaven 29,633,394 28,366
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Elevate
Tuulech 4445 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Elevate 21,111,928 8,813
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Chaotic Intentions
Walstrand 4254 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Chaotic Intentions 20,816,703 13,616
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Diamond Crusaders
Yorkton 4588 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Diamond Crusaders 17,415,988 7,561
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Diamond Farms
Xyr 5136 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Diamond Farms 16,046,497 6,064
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Diamond Guild
Parkog 5046 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Diamond Guild 15,823,835 5,352
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    King’s Guard
Vingrid 5120 Eurydice 1291 the Hard King’s Guard 15,123,533 4,937
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Fresh Start
Fel Dranghyr 5761 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Fresh Start 13,539,339 5,256
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Night Watch
Sinerania 5310 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Night Watch 12,991,434 3,710
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Infinity
Korch 5695 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Infinity 12,874,361 4,810
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    The ₩○£f🐺Pack🇺🇦
Greifental 5895 Eurydice 1291 the Hard The ₩○£f🐺Pack🇺🇦 12,782,498 4,866
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Friends Of Friends
Jaims 5738 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Friends Of Friends 12,437,230 5,909
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Rugnirok
Rugnir 5589 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Rugnirok 11,762,037 3,953
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Bacon Bitts
Qunrir 5692 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Bacon Bitts 11,498,278 5,712
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    People’s sovereignty
Mount Killmore 6597 Eurydice 1291 the Hard People’s sovereignty 11,104,179 4,058
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Fair Traders ⚖️
Langendorn 5929 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Fair Traders ⚖️ 10,658,948 3,910
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Arc Club
Houndsmoor 6711 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Arc Club 10,497,976 4,276
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Diamonds Farms ONLY!
Angkor 13983 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Diamonds Farms ONLY! 123,535 598
Eurydice 1291 the Hard    Galaxy Quest
Birka 14894 Eurydice 1291 the Hard Galaxy Quest 20,753 50