12183 rank

365,599 points

179 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wolf the wise one    SilverWolfLilacTiger
Langendorn 8846 wolf the wise one SilverWolfLilacTiger 1,988,111 2,997
wolf the wise one    Unicorns & Dragons
Cirgard 10334 wolf the wise one Unicorns & Dragons 1,603,032 885
wolf the wise one    ArchMax Wolves
Arvahall 14330 wolf the wise one ArchMax Wolves 859,657 486
wolf the wise one    SilverMoonWarriors
Mount Killmore 12464 wolf the wise one SilverMoonWarriors 774,490 269
wolf the wise one    Fantastic Heroes
Houndsmoor 12432 wolf the wise one Fantastic Heroes 670,932 215
wolf the wise one    God's Squad
Dunarsund 12815 wolf the wise one God's Squad 650,901 394
wolf the wise one    John 3:16 Guild
Rugnir 10986 wolf the wise one John 3:16 Guild 624,520 862
wolf the wise one    WolfVendettaWarriors
Parkog 10777 wolf the wise one WolfVendettaWarriors 613,650 496
wolf the wise one    SilverWingAvengers
Yorkton 11105 wolf the wise one SilverWingAvengers 599,969 247
wolf the wise one    SILVERLIGHT*WOLVES
Angkor 10526 wolf the wise one SILVERLIGHT*WOLVES 570,408 179
wolf the wise one    VingridKnightsbridge
Vingrid 11456 wolf the wise one VingridKnightsbridge 549,545 175
wolf the wise one    M00NMENDER🌠💧
Brisgard 14340 wolf the wise one M00NMENDER🌠💧 511,929 384
wolf the wise one    J.SPARROWs Pub
Odhrorvar 11325 wolf the wise one J.SPARROWs Pub 490,892 238
wolf the wise one    Zorn Ryders
Zorskog 11268 wolf the wise one Zorn Ryders 445,329 189
wolf the wise one    §§🍉🍉
Greifental 12560 wolf the wise one §§🍉🍉 434,440 280
wolf the wise one    Guardians Of Valour
Tuulech 11377 wolf the wise one Guardians Of Valour 429,835 245
wolf the wise one    DIREWOLF
Sinerania 11872 wolf the wise one DIREWOLF 382,890 136
wolf the wise one    MOONMENDER WARRIORS
Uceria 12183 wolf the wise one MOONMENDER WARRIORS 365,599 179
wolf the wise one    WALSTRAND WARRIORS
Walstrand 11827 wolf the wise one WALSTRAND WARRIORS 328,958 120
wolf the wise one    Reign of Tiger
Jaims 13225 wolf the wise one Reign of Tiger 310,862 219
wolf the wise one    XYR Lions & Wolves
Xyr 14148 wolf the wise one XYR Lions & Wolves 307,576 118
wolf the wise one    TeamAwesomeSauce
Korch 13668 wolf the wise one TeamAwesomeSauce 253,165 133
wolf the wise one    Warrior Angels
Qunrir 13182 wolf the wise one Warrior Angels 222,810 123
wolf the wise one    Epic⚡Warrior🔷Angels
Noarsil 13252 wolf the wise one Epic⚡Warrior🔷Angels 217,932 91
wolf the wise one    Wolf🐺LodgeSoldiers
Birka 12611 wolf the wise one Wolf🐺LodgeSoldiers 57,524 43
wolf the wise one    Honor God
Fel Dranghyr 17651 wolf the wise one Honor God 57,302 55
wolf the wise one    Wolf Warriors
East-Nagach 18372 wolf the wise one Wolf Warriors 52,281 66