6744 rank

6,565,388 points

1,732 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bustedstuff    Frunphjomph
Noarsil 6269 bustedstuff Frunphjomph 8,249,107 2,202
bustedstuff    Godsfist
Uceria 6744 bustedstuff Godsfist 6,565,388 1,732
Dunarsund 8097 bustedstuff 5,600,524 1,851
bustedstuff    Just Havin Fun
East-Nagach 8674 bustedstuff Just Havin Fun 3,633,833 1,242
bustedstuff    Band of Brothers
Brisgard 12324 bustedstuff Band of Brothers 1,091,437 641
Birka 10439 bustedstuff 163,472 134
bustedstuff    The Quiet Empire
Arvahall 20199 bustedstuff The Quiet Empire 128,303 139