7265 rank

5,158,246 points

5,017 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Severus 720 the Strong   
Mount Killmore 4766 Severus 720 the Strong 27,063,422 27,516
Severus 720 the Strong   
Yorkton 5555 Severus 720 the Strong 10,853,990 10,953
Severus 720 the Strong   
Uceria 7265 Severus 720 the Strong 5,158,246 5,017
Severus 720 the Strong   
Angkor 6892 Severus 720 the Strong 4,046,017 1,616
Severus 720 the Strong   
Birka 7610 Severus 720 the Strong 768,643 452