14285 rank

133,262 points

215 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aedesia 1302 the Builder    Active
Vingrid 13941 Aedesia 1302 the Builder Active 169,449 201
Aedesia 1302 the Builder   
Cirgard 16367 Aedesia 1302 the Builder 142,606 210
Aedesia 1302 the Builder    Amsterdam Forgers
Jaims 14919 Aedesia 1302 the Builder Amsterdam Forgers 138,077 168
Aedesia 1302 the Builder    Key Rats
Houndsmoor 16440 Aedesia 1302 the Builder Key Rats 135,047 205
Aedesia 1302 the Builder   
Uceria 14285 Aedesia 1302 the Builder 133,262 215