1243 rank

225,164,082 points

53,274 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kathar of Felidae    River of Oblivion
Uceria 1243 Kathar of Felidae River of Oblivion 225,164,082 53,274
Kathar of Felidae    Britches & Hose
Noarsil 3144 Kathar of Felidae Britches & Hose 53,298,355 17,677
Kathar of Felidae    Britches & Hose
Jaims 3339 Kathar of Felidae Britches & Hose 47,953,275 17,951
Kathar of Felidae    Britches & Hose
Xyr 4258 Kathar of Felidae Britches & Hose 24,748,728 11,592
Kathar of Felidae    Britches & Hose
Qunrir 4404 Kathar of Felidae Britches & Hose 23,674,486 12,062
Kathar of Felidae    Britches & Hose
Odhrorvar 4450 Kathar of Felidae Britches & Hose 22,826,898 9,359