4107 rank

28,147,745 points

51,176 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
merry67    Bad Choices
Yorkton 224 merry67 Bad Choices 1,131,753,595 314,318
merry67    Formidable Friends
Arvahall 3647 merry67 Formidable Friends 68,853,065 58,398
merry67    The Hangout
Vingrid 3963 merry67 The Hangout 29,850,579 38,893
merry67    ♛Warrior Kings♛
Uceria 4107 merry67 ♛Warrior Kings♛ 28,147,745 51,176
merry67    The Citadel
Odhrorvar 5094 merry67 The Citadel 15,651,134 19,478
merry67    The Citadel
Carthage 3891 merry67 The Citadel 3,240,762 9,696
merry67    Mountain Retreat
Cirgard 13291 merry67 Mountain Retreat 471,436 1,095
merry67    The Citadel
Birka 9031 merry67 The Citadel 346,945 1,038
merry67    The Citadel
Walstrand 11851 merry67 The Citadel 310,752 665
merry67    The Citadel
Xyr 14737 merry67 The Citadel 233,746 671
merry67    The Citadel
Zorskog 13068 merry67 The Citadel 198,285 951
merry67    The Citadel
Greifental 17707 merry67 The Citadel 42,341 66
merry67    The Citadel
Noarsil 17082 merry67 The Citadel 35,996 76