3555 rank

39,012,132 points

17,232 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Jessie the Drunk    Mystic Fire
Brisgard 3697 Jessie the Drunk Mystic Fire 52,285,481 19,404
Jessie the Drunk    The Ærie DM 🦅
Yorkton 3139 Jessie the Drunk The Ærie DM 🦅 42,072,009 16,059
Jessie the Drunk    🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️
Fel Dranghyr 3758 Jessie the Drunk 🕊️ SAFE HAVEN 🕊️ 41,151,548 17,395
Jessie the Drunk    🏴‍️The Mutineers🏴
Uceria 3555 Jessie the Drunk 🏴‍️The Mutineers🏴 39,012,132 17,232
Jessie the Drunk    Cuckoo's Nest
Birka 2234 Jessie the Drunk Cuckoo's Nest 30,098,553 11,888
Jessie the Drunk    Fair Traders
Arvahall 5872 Jessie the Drunk Fair Traders 24,031,195 8,336