2937 rank

59,308,188 points

40,943 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Blue Panthers
Noarsil 363 Maria 1402 the Merciful Blue Panthers 838,250,281 173,065
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
East-Nagach 2601 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 95,753,481 41,413
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Greifental 2510 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 90,620,486 47,506
Maria 1402 the Merciful    meonly
Rugnir 2710 Maria 1402 the Merciful meonly 67,018,714 36,348
Maria 1402 the Merciful    meonly
Uceria 2937 Maria 1402 the Merciful meonly 59,308,188 40,943
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Dilmun 678 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 58,654,782 23,837
Maria 1402 the Merciful    NOT TODAY!!!
Zorskog 3368 Maria 1402 the Merciful NOT TODAY!!! 30,636,429 41,494
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Bluntskulls
Angkor 4789 Maria 1402 the Merciful Bluntskulls 12,259,032 7,575
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Orange Marmalade
Arvahall 9975 Maria 1402 the Merciful Orange Marmalade 4,628,113 7,195
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Carthage 4144 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 2,574,922 3,813
Maria 1402 the Merciful    Diamond rewards 😎
Birka 7083 Maria 1402 the Merciful Diamond rewards 😎 964,743 1,723
Maria 1402 the Merciful    star screamer
Houndsmoor 12657 Maria 1402 the Merciful star screamer 604,104 1,029
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Jaims 14139 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 193,449 394
Maria 1402 the Merciful    fragmented discard
Tuulech 15084 Maria 1402 the Merciful fragmented discard 69,777 227