14333 rank

128,956 points

102 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
184willie    Mercury & Mars
Jaims 3243 184willie Mercury & Mars 52,538,190 7,212
184willie    FREE TRADERS
Arvahall 5238 184willie FREE TRADERS 33,246,643 6,474
184willie    Demonstritive Otters
Cirgard 4545 184willie Demonstritive Otters 28,521,225 5,942
184willie    ░✠ΔTLΔNTIS✠░
East-Nagach 4853 184willie ░✠ΔTLΔNTIS✠░ 26,543,148 5,444
184willie    Unholy Rebels
Greifental 4604 184willie Unholy Rebels 26,265,250 6,139
184willie    Etheral
Korch 5167 184willie Etheral 17,576,275 4,852
184willie    The New Crusaders
Noarsil 5490 184willie The New Crusaders 13,418,397 3,343
184willie    Welcome to All
Langendorn 5553 184willie Welcome to All 13,302,011 3,310
184willie    Shadow Gods
Odhrorvar 7322 184willie Shadow Gods 4,364,816 1,912
184willie    Stag Guild
Vingrid 10055 184willie Stag Guild 1,048,264 968
184willie    TAE
Uceria 14333 184willie TAE 128,956 102
Angkor 13954 184willie 127,336 124
Dilmun 7088 184willie 102,235 149