4592 rank

21,163,959 points

7,346 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Luap the Friendly    🔥 Forged in Fire 🔥
Walstrand 283 Luap the Friendly 🔥 Forged in Fire 🔥 887,097,068 150,719
Luap the Friendly    No rules
Arvahall 5402 Luap the Friendly No rules 29,405,371 7,545
Luap the Friendly    GR Diamonds
Birka 2592 Luap the Friendly GR Diamonds 22,561,265 5,895
Luap the Friendly    Mount Killmore Kings
Mount Killmore 5131 Luap the Friendly Mount Killmore Kings 21,631,352 5,733
Luap the Friendly    "BACK in BLACK"
Uceria 4592 Luap the Friendly "BACK in BLACK" 21,163,959 7,346
Luap the Friendly    V U L T U R E
Fel Dranghyr 6515 Luap the Friendly V U L T U R E 9,508,765 4,890
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Dilmun 2992 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 2,749,238 2,769
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Noarsil 9855 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 1,040,022 846
Luap the Friendly    Play Your Own Pace
Brisgard 12848 Luap the Friendly Play Your Own Pace 911,145 815
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
East-Nagach 11822 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 784,428 671
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Carthage 6463 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 552,691 591
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Angkor 11044 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 454,077 450
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Cirgard 14170 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 332,393 266
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Houndsmoor 14690 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 273,744 98
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Parkog 12594 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 252,659 54
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Jaims 13706 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 237,606 79
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Dunarsund 16380 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 154,205 121
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Odhrorvar 14335 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 110,054 89
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Rugnir 14693 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 105,958 72
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Qunrir 14705 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 101,942 138
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Langendorn 15868 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 67,994 76
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Korch 16736 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 63,480 25
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Greifental 16751 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 61,629 66
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Vingrid 16547 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 53,546 65
Luap the Friendly    Luapks Hideout
Yorkton 17013 Luap the Friendly Luapks Hideout 52,920 46
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Tuulech 15744 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 52,848 44
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Zorskog 16337 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 47,876 56
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Xyr 18933 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 45,982 47
Luap the Friendly    Luap’s Hideout
Sinerania 16505 Luap the Friendly Luap’s Hideout 45,068 50