2095 rank

91,731,959 points

25,859 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Birka 241 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 468,324,484 110,426
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Xyr 1908 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 94,954,838 26,237
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Uceria 2095 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 91,731,959 25,859
Callisto 2285 the Lion    Quantum Cats
Carthage 733 Callisto 2285 the Lion Quantum Cats 57,643,834 22,062