2507 rank

79,172,063 points

15,002 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Edmundoo72    The Norse Clan
Greifental 936 Edmundoo72 The Norse Clan 366,853,308 57,546
Edmundoo72    Legion of Honor 2
Noarsil 2158 Edmundoo72 Legion of Honor 2 107,233,571 17,997
Uceria 2507 Edmundoo72 79,172,063 15,002
Edmundoo72    The Misfit Toys
East-Nagach 2968 Edmundoo72 The Misfit Toys 75,416,755 14,957
Edmundoo72    worthy
Angkor 3675 Edmundoo72 worthy 23,035,086 7,304