7497 rank

4,276,181 points

2,342 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
AlleyKatz    Pacific Explores
Arvahall 8305 AlleyKatz Pacific Explores 8,549,850 3,320
AlleyKatz    Dragons
Jaims 7119 AlleyKatz Dragons 6,069,997 2,904
AlleyKatz    Diamond City
Odhrorvar 6869 AlleyKatz Diamond City 5,516,766 2,229
AlleyKatz    Order 0f the Rose
Qunrir 7029 AlleyKatz Order 0f the Rose 5,351,902 2,665
AlleyKatz    Pacfic Explores
Langendorn 7421 AlleyKatz Pacfic Explores 4,658,459 2,343
AlleyKatz    Pacfic Rim
Korch 7636 AlleyKatz Pacfic Rim 4,424,706 2,596
AlleyKatz    Strangers
Uceria 7497 AlleyKatz Strangers 4,276,181 2,342
AlleyKatz    Dragon Masters
Noarsil 7673 AlleyKatz Dragon Masters 3,630,892 2,169
AlleyKatz    Pacfic Navgation
Brisgard 9748 AlleyKatz Pacfic Navgation 3,196,542 1,717
AlleyKatz    Pacfic Passage
Vingrid 8484 AlleyKatz Pacfic Passage 2,260,320 1,924
AlleyKatz    Midnight Watch
Tuulech 8190 AlleyKatz Midnight Watch 2,232,994 1,816
AlleyKatz    Dragon Patrol
Sinerania 8390 AlleyKatz Dragon Patrol 2,100,234 1,549
AlleyKatz    Dragon Patrol
Parkog 8580 AlleyKatz Dragon Patrol 1,860,285 1,266
AlleyKatz    From Sea to Sea
Walstrand 8430 AlleyKatz From Sea to Sea 1,724,137 1,738
AlleyKatz    The Rose Guard
Greifental 9576 AlleyKatz The Rose Guard 1,698,832 1,453
AlleyKatz    Dragon Patrol
Xyr 9822 AlleyKatz Dragon Patrol 1,679,538 1,616
AlleyKatz    NW Territory
Zorskog 8722 AlleyKatz NW Territory 1,428,542 1,196
AlleyKatz    King for the Pepole
Carthage 8689 AlleyKatz King for the Pepole 154,625 242
AlleyKatz    Casstle
Dilmun 8973 AlleyKatz Casstle 21,275 53