3236 rank

41,713,936 points

17,560 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
staxofish    More the Merrier
Sinerania 301 staxofish More the Merrier 751,133,770 103,072
staxofish    Mongo Raiders
Dunarsund 3435 staxofish Mongo Raiders 49,458,747 18,998
staxofish    Mass Rising
Cirgard 3441 staxofish Mass Rising 43,129,623 19,939
staxofish    The Big Bang Theory
Uceria 3236 staxofish The Big Bang Theory 41,713,936 17,560
staxofish    Alpha Puppies
Walstrand 2943 staxofish Alpha Puppies 41,366,317 17,631
staxofish    Legionnaires
Fel Dranghyr 3568 staxofish Legionnaires 40,291,449 15,793
staxofish    FreeSouls
Qunrir 3772 staxofish FreeSouls 31,805,165 14,040