15751 rank

65,519 points

283 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arrock    lynda the bloody
Yorkton 1072 Arrock lynda the bloody 239,903,681 49,682
Xyr 2644 Arrock 64,655,365 18,744
Arrock    Adalbern
East-Nagach 6189 Arrock Adalbern 13,145,009 8,674
Arrock    arthurs table
Arvahall 10677 Arrock arthurs table 3,437,871 3,113
Greifental 16384 Arrock 70,320 134
Uceria 15751 Arrock 65,519 283
Arrock    Illuminatee
Vingrid 17332 Arrock Illuminatee 37,810 181