7899 rank

3,461,021 points

8,047 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ivan of the forest    Silent Rogues
Noarsil 5325 Ivan of the forest Silent Rogues 14,588,609 24,496
Ivan of the forest    Compatriots in Arms
Walstrand 7003 Ivan of the forest Compatriots in Arms 4,478,361 2,498
Ivan of the forest   
Uceria 7899 Ivan of the forest 3,461,021 8,047
Ivan of the forest   
Houndsmoor 10720 Ivan of the forest 1,433,487 4,685
Ivan of the forest    Royal Noble
Jaims 11163 Ivan of the forest Royal Noble 731,221 2,009
Ivan of the forest    Callidonia
Xyr 13307 Ivan of the forest Callidonia 413,936 998
Ivan of the forest   
Cirgard 14280 Ivan of the forest 326,994 840
Ivan of the forest    JESUS CHRIST IS GOD
Zorskog 15555 Ivan of the forest JESUS CHRIST IS GOD 64,796 224
Ivan of the forest   
Yorkton 17285 Ivan of the forest 47,381 20