6076 rank

9,738,830 points

3,294 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Marcus The Minimus    The United Kingdoms
Uceria 6076 Marcus The Minimus The United Kingdoms 9,738,830 3,294
Marcus The Minimus   
Brisgard 7670 Marcus The Minimus 8,518,062 3,057
Marcus The Minimus    Legends
Vingrid 6579 Marcus The Minimus Legends 7,044,439 2,770
Marcus The Minimus    Krewe of Aquitaine
Fel Dranghyr 7124 Marcus The Minimus Krewe of Aquitaine 7,024,248 2,660
Marcus The Minimus    NotMyMain
Korch 7061 Marcus The Minimus NotMyMain 6,318,011 2,620
Marcus The Minimus   
Sinerania 6627 Marcus The Minimus 6,234,939 2,497
Marcus The Minimus    Hogsmead 🍻
Tuulech 7396 Marcus The Minimus Hogsmead 🍻 3,823,228 2,165