1511 rank

182,310,898 points

32,356 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
East-Nagach 1064 delphinehall 344,467,405 52,913
delphinehall    Shogun 将軍
Dunarsund 1621 delphinehall Shogun 将軍 200,379,393 33,035
delphinehall    Play Your Way
Uceria 1511 delphinehall Play Your Way 182,310,898 32,356
delphinehall    Kingdom of Kings
Brisgard 1978 delphinehall Kingdom of Kings 151,270,053 38,576
Greifental 2455 delphinehall 97,186,831 26,078
delphinehall    M&M
Carthage 1379 delphinehall M&M 34,058,898 15,382
Fel Dranghyr 4310 delphinehall 30,587,910 15,498