14716 rank

107,816 points

80 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
zymos    Julian’s Dream
East-Nagach 377 zymos Julian’s Dream 895,318,680 184,570
zymos    The Forsaken
Rugnir 4880 zymos The Forsaken 17,157,043 11,322
Zorskog 7384 zymos 3,143,401 2,934
Yorkton 8495 zymos 2,092,530 3,329
zymos    "Oh Well 3"
Cirgard 9829 zymos "Oh Well 3" 2,051,792 4,225
zymos    The Ranch
Vingrid 8846 zymos The Ranch 1,917,769 3,631
zymos    Existentialist
Walstrand 8346 zymos Existentialist 1,834,970 3,565
zymos    Relic Hunters
Xyr 9666 zymos Relic Hunters 1,800,442 3,534
zymos    Traders and Aid
Uceria 14716 zymos Traders and Aid 107,816 80