14788 rank

104,098 points

350 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Nytfaln The Gryphon   
Mount Killmore 2923 Nytfaln The Gryphon 74,341,523 36,911
Nytfaln The Gryphon    UNDERCOMBAT
Tuulech 11073 Nytfaln The Gryphon UNDERCOMBAT 489,466 876
Nytfaln The Gryphon    R&R TIME
Houndsmoor 16489 Nytfaln The Gryphon R&R TIME 134,378 364
Nytfaln The Gryphon    God of War
Yorkton 14989 Nytfaln The Gryphon God of War 120,173 495
Nytfaln The Gryphon   
Uceria 14788 Nytfaln The Gryphon 104,098 350
Nytfaln The Gryphon    PeaceKeepers
Parkog 14987 Nytfaln The Gryphon PeaceKeepers 86,220 362
Nytfaln The Gryphon   
Cirgard 19674 Nytfaln The Gryphon 36,838 190