1981 rank

104,140,207 points

20,181 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Couch Potatoe    House of Noir
Uceria 1981 Couch Potatoe House of Noir 104,140,207 20,181
Couch Potatoe    RELAXED
Jaims 2310 Couch Potatoe RELAXED 87,680,150 17,702
Couch Potatoe    Lonely mountain
Fel Dranghyr 2809 Couch Potatoe Lonely mountain 68,734,929 16,723
Couch Potatoe    Croatoan
Greifental 4367 Couch Potatoe Croatoan 26,907,823 12,125
Couch Potatoe    Diamond Seekers
Dunarsund 8090 Couch Potatoe Diamond Seekers 5,606,800 5,058