7018 rank

5,620,144 points

3,344 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
zerohero101    The Rusty Sailors
Rugnir 33 zerohero101 The Rusty Sailors 3,802,538,252 1,129,416
zerohero101    Saints of Boondock
Fel Dranghyr 839 zerohero101 Saints of Boondock 437,578,780 66,797
zerohero101    Dalek Empire
Carthage 458 zerohero101 Dalek Empire 141,916,413 82,548
zerohero101    S h o c k & A w e
Birka 899 zerohero101 S h o c k & A w e 140,595,312 63,078
zerohero101    Polar Pints 🍻🍺
Brisgard 2318 zerohero101 Polar Pints 🍻🍺 119,489,290 48,640
zerohero101    Battle Hercules
Parkog 2469 zerohero101 Battle Hercules 79,222,499 45,923
Yorkton 2579 zerohero101 64,437,888 31,322
zerohero101    wrc
Cirgard 6478 zerohero101 wrc 10,923,432 7,824
zerohero101    Wrc
Vingrid 7018 zerohero101 Wrc 5,620,144 3,344
zerohero101    F1-
Dunarsund 8698 zerohero101 F1- 4,365,546 976
zerohero101    F1-
Mount Killmore 9536 zerohero101 F1- 2,814,052 567
zerohero101    F1-
Greifental 8995 zerohero101 F1- 2,393,168 544
zerohero101    F1-
Uceria 8751 zerohero101 F1- 2,045,201 4,463