4185 rank

25,803,904 points

5,405 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
kosh45    Couch Potatoes
Xyr 3812 kosh45 Couch Potatoes 31,880,456 5,411
kosh45    The Pheonix
Arvahall 5404 kosh45 The Pheonix 29,408,814 5,389
kosh45    Juggernauts
Langendorn 4219 kosh45 Juggernauts 27,455,104 5,072
kosh45    Thor's Guild❤️❤️
Vingrid 4185 kosh45 Thor's Guild❤️❤️ 25,803,904 5,405
kosh45    The Maharlikans
Sinerania 4305 kosh45 The Maharlikans 23,130,005 5,679