5021 rank

14,971,223 points

5,078 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
chris whipps    Equinox
Brisgard 142 chris whipps Equinox 1,425,982,046 287,902
chris whipps    lost in the woods
Cirgard 1809 chris whipps lost in the woods 143,726,866 19,281
chris whipps    one man band
Greifental 4550 chris whipps one man band 24,502,407 4,510
chris whipps   
Houndsmoor 4776 chris whipps 23,707,762 4,773
chris whipps   
Jaims 4496 chris whipps 22,303,775 4,507
chris whipps   
Dunarsund 5438 chris whipps 18,073,075 3,857
chris whipps   
Vingrid 5021 chris whipps 14,971,223 5,078