2822 rank

48,015,242 points

23,522 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
hippobuttamus    죽음의 소원
Uceria 443 hippobuttamus 죽음의 소원 521,814,742 76,176
hippobuttamus    썬떡의 꽃집
Noarsil 2521 hippobuttamus 썬떡의 꽃집 65,599,276 34,820
hippobuttamus    Knights who say "Ni"
Vingrid 2822 hippobuttamus Knights who say "Ni" 48,015,242 23,522
hippobuttamus    Quiet and Peaceful
Carthage 1120 hippobuttamus Quiet and Peaceful 24,091,917 38,453
hippobuttamus    🍺The Brewery🍺
Angkor 5859 hippobuttamus 🍺The Brewery🍺 5,609,101 112
hippobuttamus    Sacred Friends
Arvahall 13584 hippobuttamus Sacred Friends 1,054,769 506