13538 rank

202,006 points

65 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Narfle the Garthok    Werewolves of London
Houndsmoor 4431 Narfle the Garthok Werewolves of London 30,737,325 20,192
Narfle the Garthok    Floston Paradise
Greifental 5304 Narfle the Garthok Floston Paradise 17,134,193 5,656
Narfle the Garthok    Lone Wolf McQuade
Jaims 7425 Narfle the Garthok Lone Wolf McQuade 5,322,344 2,453
Narfle the Garthok    Werewolves of London
Xyr 11118 Narfle the Garthok Werewolves of London 953,085 7,293
Narfle the Garthok    Titans of New
Parkog 10811 Narfle the Garthok Titans of New 590,953 430
Narfle the Garthok    MeMee
Arvahall 16005 Narfle the Garthok MeMee 491,578 475
Narfle the Garthok    Eeee
East-Nagach 13929 Narfle the Garthok Eeee 325,991 204
Narfle the Garthok    Kay
Korch 13092 Narfle the Garthok Kay 311,348 188
Narfle the Garthok    M world
Mount Killmore 15165 Narfle the Garthok M world 289,168 202
Narfle the Garthok    Ell
Langendorn 12717 Narfle the Garthok Ell 287,997 204
Narfle the Garthok    Ohh
Odhrorvar 12408 Narfle the Garthok Ohh 277,407 132
Narfle the Garthok    Arrr
Rugnir 12732 Narfle the Garthok Arrr 268,495 158
Narfle the Garthok    Ess
Sinerania 12641 Narfle the Garthok Ess 263,691 170
Narfle the Garthok    Narfies
Noarsil 12779 Narfle the Garthok Narfies 256,771 171
Narfle the Garthok    Cee
Cirgard 14905 Narfle the Garthok Cee 254,830 164
Narfle the Garthok    Cue
Qunrir 12840 Narfle the Garthok Cue 246,099 159
Narfle the Garthok    Yooh
Uceria 13146 Narfle the Garthok Yooh 226,007 166
Narfle the Garthok    Bee
Brisgard 16748 Narfle the Garthok Bee 216,221 172
Narfle the Garthok    Tea
Tuulech 12752 Narfle the Garthok Tea 215,014 193
Narfle the Garthok    Verevolves of London
Vingrid 13538 Narfle the Garthok Verevolves of London 202,006 65
Narfle the Garthok    Eff
Fel Dranghyr 14544 Narfle the Garthok Eff 201,902 211
Narfle the Garthok    Dee
Dunarsund 15960 Narfle the Garthok Dee 183,664 181
Narfle the Garthok    Zed
Zorskog 13905 Narfle the Garthok Zed 132,212 150
Narfle the Garthok    Why
Yorkton 15366 Narfle the Garthok Why 101,012 103
Narfle the Garthok    Werewolves of London
Walstrand 14595 Narfle the Garthok Werewolves of London 85,794 151
Narfle the Garthok    Ayy
Angkor 15794 Narfle the Garthok Ayy 55,619 146