16885 rank

62,555 points

95 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gallienus 1438 the Fair    The Conquerers
Odhrorvar 517 Gallienus 1438 the Fair The Conquerers 453,698,676 116,137
Gallienus 1438 the Fair    Black Sheep Squadron
Xyr 835 Gallienus 1438 the Fair Black Sheep Squadron 225,970,357 89,105
Gallienus 1438 the Fair    Forgeaholics
Rugnir 1504 Gallienus 1438 the Fair Forgeaholics 128,925,782 47,349
Gallienus 1438 the Fair   
Vingrid 16885 Gallienus 1438 the Fair 62,555 95
Gallienus 1438 the Fair   
Angkor 16473 Gallienus 1438 the Fair 54,463 95