1787 rank

137,954,571 points

31,845 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Caotic the changer    Section 31
Xyr 1282 Caotic the changer Section 31 183,139,113 33,466
Caotic the changer   
East-Nagach 1735 Caotic the changer 180,238,111 36,763
Caotic the changer   
Fel Dranghyr 1715 Caotic the changer 171,350,596 39,428
Caotic the changer    The Sacred Skywitch
Vingrid 1787 Caotic the changer The Sacred Skywitch 137,954,571 31,845
Caotic the changer    League of Greatness
Mount Killmore 3132 Caotic the changer League of Greatness 63,834,701 22,074