3486 rank

41,901,902 points

28,468 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
wing it the first    Raiders Ascended
Langendorn 2388 wing it the first Raiders Ascended 91,888,655 57,026
wing it the first    New Age
Mount Killmore 3536 wing it the first New Age 52,496,010 31,249
wing it the first    Chill n Play
Vingrid 3486 wing it the first Chill n Play 41,901,902 28,468
wing it the first    The Explorers
Brisgard 4321 wing it the first The Explorers 39,221,685 25,964
wing it the first    Knights of the table
Tuulech 3763 wing it the first Knights of the table 33,251,449 28,497
wing it the first    New Phoenix
Houndsmoor 4494 wing it the first New Phoenix 30,891,612 27,395