7540 rank

4,030,215 points

861 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tvc78    Iron Empire
Vingrid 7540 tvc78 Iron Empire 4,030,215 861
tvc78    Raven's Talon
Qunrir 8187 tvc78 Raven's Talon 2,678,629 849
tvc78    The Origin Creators
Odhrorvar 8325 tvc78 The Origin Creators 2,253,607 648
tvc78    Floggin a Dead Horse
Noarsil 11046 tvc78 Floggin a Dead Horse 580,544 477
tvc78    Order of the Dragon
East-Nagach 13683 tvc78 Order of the Dragon 361,634 367