8102 rank

2,880,367 points

1,640 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Schizoid    rockinrollin
Arvahall 10830 Schizoid rockinrollin 3,206,445 2,024
Schizoid    The Fighters
Houndsmoor 9159 Schizoid The Fighters 3,102,482 1,881
Schizoid    The Birds
Vingrid 8102 Schizoid The Birds 2,880,367 1,640
Schizoid    TRADER
Xyr 8839 Schizoid TRADER 2,719,241 1,603
Schizoid    Playforfun
Birka 5571 Schizoid Playforfun 2,666,092 1,718
Schizoid    outkastss
Korch 8638 Schizoid outkastss 2,599,898 1,614
Schizoid    Planet X
Yorkton 8184 Schizoid Planet X 2,552,531 1,725
Schizoid    Razors Crest
Mount Killmore 9876 Schizoid Razors Crest 2,306,561 1,594
Schizoid    Lords of shadow
Greifental 9119 Schizoid Lords of shadow 2,226,021 1,709
Schizoid    Lone Wolves
Cirgard 10106 Schizoid Lone Wolves 1,805,195 1,362
Schizoid    Hiatus
Dilmun 3518 Schizoid Hiatus 1,445,563 1,106
Schizoid    relaxing 793
Angkor 9008 Schizoid relaxing 793 1,186,916 1,056
Parkog 9598 Schizoid 1,052,069 876
Schizoid    Jedi
East-Nagach 12926 Schizoid Jedi 488,927 408
Schizoid    Pug Runner
Odhrorvar 13439 Schizoid Pug Runner 169,227 264
Schizoid    No Stress
Uceria 13870 Schizoid No Stress 158,376 216